June 6, 2000 9:30 p.m. EST
Back and gone again - Sorry about the long interval between updates. Many things have been happening in my life, but little has been happening with the website. I've been playing around with making Adobe PDF files of some of the pages, but, in the interest of accessibility to all, I will continue to publish in HTML, though I may add copies in PDF format. Most of these changes along with any updates will begin to occur in late July, when I will have more free time to work on the webpage.

Advice for the college bound - Having just finished my first year of college, I wanted to give a piece of advice for aspiring scientists. Start research right away. Most colleges have an undergraduate research program (at U of M, it is called UROP); take advantage of it. Getting into research helps you learn research skills: scientific study, working in groups, scientific writing and more skills related to the specific field.

Poll! - According to my poll, general chemistry is the favored topic, so more AP Chemistry notes will be first priority.

Top100 - Webstat, one of my counters, has a top-100 list of sites in various categories at http://www.webstat.net/top/. Though Erik's Chemistry doesn't make the overall top-100, it does usually make the top-15 under Education.

Have a great summer - That's all for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

February 21, 2000 6:30 p.m. EST
More P-Chem notes - I've added some more information to the second review sheet for my Chem 302 class. Also, to clarify a rather ambiguous point of terminology, I have posted some information about Molecular Orbital Theory with regard to HOMO and LUMO.

February 18, 2000 1:00 a.m. EST
More P-Chem notes - Another set of Physical Chemistry Notes is now online. These are terms over the first law of thermodynamics.

Still In-Progress - The second review sheet for my Chem 302, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure, Reactivity, and Function, class is still being worked on. What I have so far can be viewed. Most of the remainder should be completed this weekend. Also, many thanks to The Dog School of Mathematics at http://dogschool.tripod.com/ for their wonderful information on group theory of which they have allowed me to use a portion for the review sheet.

February 16, 2000 10:15 a.m. EST
Poll! - Let me know what sort of notes you would like to see more of with my poll.

February 15, 2000 4:30 p.m. EST
I'm back! - More notes! I have finally organized my schedule to have some time to work on this site some more.

In-Progress - The second review sheet for my Chem 302, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure, Reactivity, and Function, class is being worked on, and can be viewed.

New! - Some of the definitions from my Physical Chemistry course are online now. They are States of Matter and Properties of Gases and Chemical Bonding. These new notes can be found under Physical Chemistry Notes, at right.

Changes with Tripod - This web site can now be reached either with https://members.tripod.com/~EppE/ or https://eppe.tripod.com/ . If telling someone about this site, I would recommend the latter, since the former is case-sensitive in some browsers. I will be changing the references to the old method in the pages as they are updated.

September 15, 1999 5:30 p.m. EST
Emails - My email at iname.com is not accessible at the University of Michigan, so please send your comments to eepp@altavista.net. If you have sent me anything in the last week, please re-send it to the new address. I will be updating the rest of the pages with the new email address as soon as possible.

News - This year I will be taking Chemical Principles (Physical Chemistry) and be adding notes as possible. I will continue to work on the AP Chemistry and Organic Chemistry at the same time.

September 4, 1999 5:30 p.m. EST
Emails - My email at iname.com is not accessible at the University of Michigan, so please send your comments to eepp@altavista.net. If you have sent me anything in the last week, please re-send it to the new address. I will be updating the rest of the pages with the new email address as soon as possible.

News - This year I will be taking Chemical Principles (Physical Chemistry) and be adding notes as possible. I will continue to work on the AP Chemistry and Organic Chemistry at the same time.

7/3/1999 5:00 p.m. EST
New Section - The section of notes on Nuclear Chemistry is now complete. This section has quite a bit of overlap with Nuclear Physics, since the field of nuclear particles falls into both categories. It can be found under periodic table on the left.

Summer - Work and preparations for college have been taking up quite a bit of my time, keeping me from working on the web site. I will try to keep working on the site, but probably won't be able to answer many emails, something that I know I haven't been doing lately. Its amazing, during school I update the site quite a bit, then summer comes and all my free time is used.

5/30/1999 12:00 p.m. EST (Noon)
New Section - The section of notes on phases is now complete. It is a long section and is the last set of notes for Liquids and Solids. It is near the bottom of the list on the left.

A Few Brave Students - I am done with the second semester of Organic Chemistry. Good luck to all those who will be taking it in the fall, I hope to have the first quarter of Organic Chemistry done and online by then.

AP Exams - I know that I wasn't able to update much before the AP Chemistry Exam this year, even though the site had a record number of hits for the Sunday before the exam, 222 hits according to NedStat.

Summer Plans - Like I said above, I plan to have the first quarter's worth of Organic Chemistry. I also hope to complete the remainder of AP Chemistry and update and increase the number of definitions.

Color Changes - Now, instead of the traditional Erik's Chemistry black, many of the background areas now have a blue shade. This is because many sites use text of the same color of the background to add extra keywords for search engines and search engines filter out those sites. As a result, I was removed from several major search engines. So with the blues, I hope to get higher rankings in the search engines.

5/04/1999 6:45 p.m. EST
New Animation - I've created an animation of the Diels-Alder product: 9,10-dihydroanthracene-9,10- , -succinic acid anhydride, spinning around the vertical axis. With this addition, the Chemistry Animations page has been changed so that by clicking on the image or name, another window will open with the animation. This is to avoid the dizzy feeling of looking at multiple animations spinning all at the same time.

Finals, AAAAAAHHHHHHH - I have finals this week, so the next update will probably be sometime next week. Good luck to all my friends who are studying for the upcoming organic final.

4/21/1999 6:20 p.m. EST
Organic Properties - Two new sections of notes on basic properties of alkanes and organic acids. The organic acids have information on relative acidity, and the alkanes have information on relative boiling points. More information on branched alkane boiling points will be added soon.

4/11/1999 12:45 a.m. EST
Easy Access - I condensed all the part of the site into the site map, essentially this page, minus the news and counters. From the site map, you can easily access any part of the site. Clicking the link near the top of this page will take you to the site map.

4/8/1999 6:30 p.m. EST
7000 Hits ! :-)

1894564653 : 1 against - In lab this week we ran another distillation and the lab group behind me didn't have the water hoses attached properly and water sprayed at me. Even though it was an accident what are the odds that the water only got on me, and not much else in the lab and stranger still, just got me on the butt? Fact appears to be stranger than fiction because it was just chance. Just so you know the odds in the title here were just made up, I didn't actually calculate the odds of this occurrence.

Have a story of your own? - Send funny stories of your own for the chemistry humor section. They can be sent to me at eepp@altavista.net.

3/22/1999 8:45 p.m. EST
6000 Hits ! :-)

New Reaction - The Halogenation of Benzene, another electrophilic substitution on a benzene ring, similar to the Friedel Crafts Alkylation and Acylation, is complete. It can be found under Chemical Reaction Mechanisms at right.

3/17/1999 11:00 p.m. EST
New Reaction - The Friedel-Crafts Acylation, not to be confused with the corresponding Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, is complete. The Friedel-Crafts Acylation can be found at the right.

Small Changes - All of the pages have been tweaked for minor cosmetic changes, which is why they all say they have been updated today.

3/13/1999 5:30 p.m. EST
5000 Hits!

For Those Wondering... - I have been getting many questions about the site and have put-together an "About the Site" section.

New Reaction - The Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, not to be confused with the corresponding acylation, is complete. I will be adding some more examples of it soon, along with the Friedel-Crafts Acylation. The Friedel-Crafts Alkylation can be found at the right.
