News Archive: October 1998
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September 1998
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10/30/98 |
500 hits! This site has been visited over five hundred times since 8/27/1998. Next milestone: 1000.

It has been a while since my last update, but my ISP is down. I have been working on the site and there are two new sections and some additional images. Visit the new sections, listed below!

Improvements and Additions! Chemistry images now has thumbnails of the images. Just click on the small picture to load the full-size image in a new window. Also two new organic chemistry images have been added to demonstrate chirality and R/S enantiomers. Boron Trifluoride has been changed to meet the general color rules listed.

New Section! IUPAC Common Names Still In Use lists several substituent groups whose common names are still in use. The new section can be found under Organic Chemistry Notes on the right.

New Section! Introduction to Chemical Bonding contains some basic information about bonding. The full set of chemical bonding notes will be put up within the next few updates. This section can be found below on the left.

Happy Mole Day! My ISP has been down since the 14th so I missed mole day. For those of you who don't know what mole day is, it is from 6:02 am October 23 until 6:02 pm October 23. These times symbolically represent Avogadro's number, 1 mole. (6.02*1023 = 6:02 am/pm 10/23). I couldn't find the site since my ISP is down but if you search with Yahoo for "mole day" you should find a link to the international mole day foundation. There you can find out everything about mole day, history, events etc.

My ISP is still down, I am updating this from my computer class. Unless my ISP starts running again, it will be at least a week before the next update.

Have fun, and may all your reactions yield well! Erik
10/13/98 |
Section Complete! Nuclear Physics is now finished! The last diagrams have been added.
The JavaScript bug has been eliminated. Instead of automatically filling the last update, I will input it by hand to avoid any errors and confusion caused by this.
The methane animation has been reduced in size! Now only 27 kb instead of 37 kb this takes about 5-10 seconds off of load time.
I am still working on the IUPAC nomenclature page. I just need to get the last rules and diagrams added for alkanes and then I will upload it.
Also in the works is the replacement of the huge images with thumbnails, for easier loading.
Have a nice day, Erik
10/5/98 |
200 hits! This site has been visited over two hundred times since 8/27/1998.
Nuclear Physics is still being worked on. I am not sure if it will be done by the next update or not, but I am working on it.
New site layout to make it easier to find the documents, with less scrolling. The animation has been reverted to its previous setup, allowing all users with animations enabled to see the image.
For reasons I don't understand the JavaScript on the pages announces that the page was last updated on 10/6/1998. However, today is still just the 10/5/1998. If your browser shows 10/6/1998 as the last update, just bear with me as I try to find out why. Also, if you know why this might be happening please let me know at
This will probably be the last update until 10/13/98 because of college applications, scholarship applications, the SAT, an organic chemistry exam and a partridge in a pear tree...
Have fun. :-) Erik
10/1/98 |
Additions! Organic Nomenclature Table now has nitriles and acid anhydrides listed.
New Section! Alkane Names has a listing of the first thirty straight chain alkanes.
I am still working on the diagrams for Nuclear Physics but expect to finish them this weekend.
The methane animation has been moved. If you have Internet Explorer 4.0 just click on the still image at the top to start the animation. If you don't have Internet Explorer 4.0 the animation can still be found on the Chemistry Images page. This change will allow the page to load up without trying to load the big animation first. If anyone knows how to alter the script so that it is compatible with older browsers let me know at
Until next time. - Erik
September 1998
October 1998
November 1998